A friend draws my attention to a letter published in yesterday’s Guelph Mercury (can’t find a link, sorry). I especially like the last paragraph:
Dear Editor – Re: “Keeping personal views separate” (Guelph Mercury, Jan. 2).
A faithful Catholic is one who is shaped by the moral convictions of a
well-formed conscience and focused on the dignity of every human being, whether
it is the pursuit of the common good or the protection of the weak and
vulnerable.Yet Guelph Liberal MP Frank Valeriote, a Catholic, admits to being
pro-choice. The optics suggest he is more guided by his political attachment to
the Liberal party than he is with the teachings of the Catholic Church.As to a secular society such as contemporary Canada, the pro-life ideal has
not been tried and found wanting. Rather, it has been found difficult and
therefore, left untried.— Ricardo Di Cecca, Burlington
Update: Ah, found a link.
UP-update: What do you know. That’s a line from G.K. Chesterton. Thanks to Dear Husband, resident Chesterton expert, for pointing it out.

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