The Federal Trade Commission in the United States will require bloggers to disclose freebies:
PHILADELPHIA – The Federal Trade Commission will require bloggers to clearly disclose any freebies or payments they get from companies for reviewing their products.
I would be delighted to disclose that Starbucks had asked to me review their signature hot chocolate or their pumpkin spice latte. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink? Please?
Rebecca adds: I would also be most diligent in disclosing if I were the recipient of, say, a Mac Book Air, or whatever they’re calling their newest and coolest release. Ditto excellent wines and Belgian chocolates.
Tanya wonders: Is this where we make our wish-lists? I’m up for a Pentax K20D and the latest version of Photoshop. Oh, and Lululemon yoga pants.

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