News that Bristol Palin and her once fiance, father of her child Levi are engaged is not like a soap opera.
I haven’t watched The Young and the Restless in years, but if I did, I’m pretty sure Victor would still be kicking around doing the same old thing. So really, Bristol Palin is moving too quickly.

… and Bristol said Johnston sent her a text shortly afterwards saying, “I miss you. I love you. I want to be with you again.”
And, O my queen! (he cries) what power above
Has steel’d that heart, averse to spousal love?
Canst thou, Penelope, when heaven restores
Thy lost Ulysses to his native shores,
Canst thou, O cruel! unconcern’d survey
Thy lost Ulysses, on this signal day?
And yet Penelope still doesn’t give in right away…
Billy d: It would take a long time to text that…
Andrea: And how do you fit emoticons in there, huh?
Yeah I’m not sure how a smiley face fits into the dactylic hexameter? Would it necessarily be part of the two strong beats at the end of a line?? These are questions I don’t want to be asked on a literature final.