Re.: Morgentaler getting the Order of Canada–each question Douglas Farrow asks in this piece will hang over our heads for as long as he has this “award.” But I think the best question is this one:
Third, what business has the committee making such a controversial award, when it so gravely affronts a very substantial number of Canadians and, indeed, deeply offends their consciences? Some argue that this “brave” man must not be denied his reward for bringing down an unjust law restricting abortion. But many others argue that the real injustice is that Canada, thanks in large part to Morgentaler and his disciples, has no law at all against cutting up babies in the womb — indeed it is the only “civilized” country without such a law. Does the committee presume to settle this national argument for us? How else are we to read their decision to make the award? And what does that say about the state of democracy in Canada?
Tanya adds: Democracy? Not sure. But this prestigious award is allowing itself to be surrounded by scandal and controversy. In what way does this tarnish the image of The Order of Canada?
If Morgentaler truly is recognized with the award, one thing is certain. He and all those routing for him should be reminded that the pride and satisfaction that normally come along with receiving the award should be denied.
For the first time in the Order of Canada’s history (as I understand it) the award will be presented without the unanimous approval of the committee. One shouldn’t even want to win it this way.
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