I don’t know what safety/medical standards our abortion clinics have. I wouldn’t be surprised if the average fast food joint had more regulations. (Private clinics won’t release basic stats in some provinces.)
In any event, a woman in Massachusetts died as a result of her abortion and this article is about the sentencing of the doctor:
Prosecutors charged Osathanondh with manslaughter, alleging that he failed to monitor her while she was under anesthesia, delayed calling 911 when her heart stopped, and later lied to try to cover up his actions. Osathanondh, who was also a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health, resigned his medical license the same day the state Board of Registration in Medicine issued a scathing list of charges against him, alleging that he had “engaged in conduct that calls into question his competence to practice medicine.”
The board said Osathanondh did not have any means of monitoring Smith’s heart, and did not have oxygen or a functioning blood pressure cuff in the room during Smith’s abortion. The board also alleged that he “failed to adhere to basic cardiac life support protocol” and did not call 911 in a timely manner.
Reminds me of Rachel MacNair’s book, Prolife Feminism, where she describes how when abortion became legal in the United States, previously convicted doctors who had killed women were allowed to get their licenses back:
When [abortionist] Richard Mucie was convicted of a woman’s death by abortion in 1968, his licence was revoked. When Roe v Wade came down, he used it to go to court and get his license back.” (ProLife Feminism, pg. 245)
Not safe, just legal. A new slogan for my pro-abortion friends.

Not rare either…
The states abortion clinics seem to have so many problems. I’m surprised we don’t know of any problems. They must also have their issues…
How can we find out any facts in Canada, where the majority of abortions are performed in hospitals? if something goes wrong, the girl/woman is removed to another area of the hospital, she is treated for that, and the records won’t show that it was a complication of her abortion. Instead there will be reports of hemorraging, or a blood clot, or heart failure, or shock, or a myriad of other complications. But they won’t write down that the cause of the complication was her abortion. It is all covered up.
It is much clearer when abortions are done in a clinic, because there is no denying why the woman was there in the first place.
Good question, Julie. I don’t think there is a way to know. I will ask the doctor friends in my life. It’s a bit like attempting to legislate on sex selection abortions: You can say they aren’t allowed but a woman can always travel to an ultrasound clinic elsewhere (in the US for example) and then come back for the abortion. No one will ever connect those dots.