Roxanne’s Law is Bill C-510, a bill to ban coerced abortion. It’s named for Roxanne, who was brutally beaten and left in a snowbank to freeze to death because she wouldn’t have an abortion. But what if she had managed to protect herself and killed her attacker? Looks like that’s what happened here:
She said that morning Godwin kicked her in the stomach, grabbed her and put her in a choke hold, threw a knife at her at the bottom of the stairs, attacked her and grabbed her by the hair, trying to pull her upstairs. She said he then kicked the door closed so she couldn’t leave.
“He was coming towards me. I was scared. He was attacking me. I’ve never seen him so angry, the look in his face,” she testified, noting she then picked up the knife from the floor. “I was at the bottom of the stairs. That’s when I looked at him, saw the knife in his hand. I stabbed him and he collapsed.”
Morin claims she was acting in self-defence.
The courts will decide this particular case. But it does raise the point that attempting to coerce abortion is not as rare as one might think.

Opposing Bill C-510 must imply a serious agenda problem.
Well, it’s a ‘he-said-she-said’, except he’s not here to tell his own story. I’m wondering if you people realize the can of worms C-510 might open. Women attacking or murdering men, then claiming that they were being ‘coerced’ and that’s a crime. In other words, another defense ploy. Look out, guys!
Oh, and she’s an admitted prostitute and drug addict. Still claiming her as the new poster-girl?
Wow! There’s a thought: Feel like murdering your guy? Find a way to get pregnant, then whack him, then cunningly invoke Roxanne’s Law and pretend you were acting in self-defense because he was trying to force you to have an abortion you didn’t want. Yes, Fern, I can definitely see that… What girl wouldn’t find this a most convenient excuse? You just need to make sure you know how to stage a fight real well, because coroners and investigators have eyes to see and can spot a fake self-defense scenario pretty quickly, but other than that, it’s all good!
Fern: It’s a strawman (woman?) argument to say I made her into a poster child. I thought the title “Not sure what Roxanne’s Law would say about this one” makes that quite clear. You’re painting with broad strokes, where my post doesn’t warrant it.
Fern Hill – Bill C-510 would not create a defence to murder or assault with a weapon. A defence to an accusation of murder is self-defence, which she is claiming. That has absolutely nothing to do with Bill C-510.
You’re funny, Brigitte. 🙂