I found this news story added very little to anything. But good grief, have a look at the kinds of comments readers have left, here. Sheesh.
Andrea adds: From the Globe article:
In light of the role that she has assigned to herself, I’d be surprised if many people would have a problem with the way that she carries out that particular role,” Chief Justice Scott added.
“The role she has assigned herself”? Is this truly the way the system works? At that level? The Chief Justice sits on the committee to do whatever she assigns herself to do? There are also conflicting reports. Some say she never involves herself, and this story says she votes in cases of a tie. So which is it? I might also add, it is August 18. This controversy came up July 1. Is that the amount of time it takes for some communications specialist in the Governor General’s office to explain how things work? Since no one’s talking, they can hardly be surprised–Justice McLachlin can hardly be surprised–that people don’t know what to think and that there’s “misinformation” and “rumours” swirling.

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