Forgive my crankiness, but this stuff drives me batty (short trip, I know):
Babies born to couples who had fertility treatment have a greater risk of birth abnormalities and doctors should be prepared to warn potential parents about these risks, French scientists said on Sunday.
Clinical geneticist Geraldine Viot said couples considering undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment should be told that the risk of birth defects is around twice that of babies conceived naturally.
Question: Once you start treating babies like commodities, where do you stop? I mean, if you’re going to spend a lot of time and effort and money to conceive, you don’t really want to hear about defects, right?

Bridgitte you’re so right. I wasn’t always an opponent to things like IVF, but lately I’ve been noticing the trend among some parents who put ‘limitations’ on the number and disabilities of the children they are in fact willing to parent even before treatment begins. When you start a process with that mindset, where does it end?