So much for the “abortion isn’t used as birth control” rhetoric. In Britain:
Government data have disclosed that 89 girls aged 17 or under who terminated a pregnancy last year had had at least two abortions previously.
The Department of Health figures for 2009 show that, for the first time, more than a third (34 per cent) of abortions were performed on women who had already ended one or more pregnancies.
Across all ages, more than 1,000 women or girls were on at least their fifth termination, including 214 on their sixth, 70 on their seventh and 48 who underwent the procedure for at least the eighth time.
The total number of abortions in England and Wales last year, 189,100, fell slightly on the previous year. Of those, 63,390 involved women who had previously ended a pregnancy, compared with 51,987 a decade ago — a rise of 22 per cent.
Almost 18,000 abortions were carried out on girls aged under 18, including more than 1,000 on girls aged 14 or under.

For your abortion as birth control files. This still remains one of the most controversial things to say, even hint at, that abortion is being used as birth control. In Canada, anyway.