Fortunately for me, I am not single and I did not gain any weight during the holidays.
Put on a few extra pounds this holiday season? Don’t expect a welcome mat from, a dating site who recently made like a high school bully: belittling and booting members for weight gain.
According to the Guardian, the site has just expelled 5,000 members for packing on the pounds. To add insult to injury, the site’s founder, Robert Hintze, stated, “Letting fatties roam the site is a direct threat to our business model and the very concept for which was founded.”
Andrea adds: This sort of thing gives me cause to ponder why the divorce rate isn’t higher. Again.
Brigitte puts on her cynical hat: Probably because the people who sign up on that site aren’t looking for marriage…
Andrea again: Understood. But my point poorly made was that marriage doesn’t happen in a vaccuum and a culture that sells “beautiful” people for sex online, of their own free will, is missing the point entirely on what it means to be in meaningful relationship.
Suricou Raven says
I have an idea: – because, be honest, you’re not going to attract better than this lot.
grenadier says
Until now I had never heard of “Beautiful” and it appears I haven’t missed anything. Sounds like a bunch that are very pleased with themselves, who think they have and know it all. I am more interested in REAL people, not these narcissists.
celulares says…. where do I sign up? 🙂
Simone says
Wow! no wonder girls become anorexic/bulmic etc .. great job … obviously the site is not run by beautiful people… LOL!
Alana LaPerle says
Kant would be proud: beauty reduced to an opinion poll! The fact that we react with disgust to the marketing and packaging of “beauty” simply proves the point that beauty, indeed, transcends “taste.”