Statistics Canada says we do late term abortions. The women at the decidedly pro-abortion conference at UofT law school in January said in 2003 there were 320 abortions done at over 20 weeks gestation, 401 in 2004. (If that’s not late term enough for you, I suggest taking a look at some fetal development photos.)
This comes up again–and will clearly come up again and again–this time because Carolyn McLeod, professor of women’s studies and philosophy at Western says the Life Canada billboards are false. She’s not telling the truth, and she must know it. So the question is why?
Perhaps she has seen the photos of what a 20 week old baby looks like and has problems justifying our collective, cultural decision that these babies are disposable. Easier to say it just doesn’t happen.
So in the end, I take heart from her denial. Because it means she can’t stomach the reality. And no one should be able to do that.

Here Is A Myth For You All…
Those Who Believe In Abortion Call Themselfs Pro Choice & I hear Pro Lifers Do The Same. Those who believe in Abortion Are Pro Death & thats a Fact. After All It Is A Child & Not A CHOICE!!!
Myth: Pro Abortion = Pro Choice
Fact: Pro Abortion = Pro Death
Lets Stop Calling Those Who Are Pro Abortion “Pro Choice”
{ He or She Is A Child & Not A Choice.} Lets Start Calling them by their
true name Pro Death!!!
If they respond { excuse me but thats Pro Choice & I resent that. ect} Your Respond Should Be Aborting Kills & you Suport Baby Killing there for You Are Pro Death!!!
Abortion Kills A Human Baby There For You Are Pro Death. No Way Around that.