From time to time, someone writes in admonishing our team to “stick to abortion.” Indeed, this is a pro-life blog, but that wasn’t the point of this pro-life blog.
The point was to show that many women have many differing interests and can all be pro-life. So today I find Rebecca Walberg in the Financial Post in an article on leadership. Yesterday it was missile defence. Rebecca has the most varied expertise of anyone I know. Enjoy.

Who has the nerve to tell you what to write?
Write whatever you like. Sheesh.
You might as well write what you like. You’ve already shown the ability to relate any subject to abortion, by one route or another.
I think it is vital to link all different issues to abortion, and fine to write about non abortion issues too.
What disappoints me recently about this blog is that your idea of what constitutes varied opinions seems rather limited. The more the blog seems to unconditionally promote certain political views (criticism of anything to do with environmentalism, unconditional praise of Sarah Palin, etc, etc) the more it seems to reinforce the stereotypes of who prolifers are.
I also think with any blog, there’s a temptation to stick to the easy hits. There are so many things that are easy targets to criticize. Some are worth criticising because to do so can point out larger truths about life…. but pointing out the stupid little things without connecting them to anything bigger…. well, at some point it just makes you guys seem more negative than you need to be, without really encouraging more discussion. Who cares if there’s new jean fashions for tight fitting pants? Who cares if people are posting useless information about bra color on facebook? If you want to make a point about people substituting non-action for taking real action, then why not write seriously about the difficulty that well meaning people have in finding places to take real action.
I think it is wonderful if you can write about all different issues. I certainly enjoy reading a lot of different opinions whether I agree with them or not. What ticks me off about your blog these days isn’t the topics covered, it is the way you use mockery instead of argument.
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