A dialogue between Post writers, here. Interesting. Most interesting part is the excerpt below, for me, anyway, because it shows how people really can’t discuss the facts of abortion without labeling. This is as much true of pro-choicers as it is pro-lifers:
Libin: Ah, see, this is interesting: my response revolved around describing in fairly empirical terms the state of affairs in Canada as far as the status of a fetus goes, acknowledging the absence of regulation, acknowledging the lack of input a father can have on determining the fate of a pregnancy, acknowledging the political sensitivities around the issue, and suddenly I find myself being labeled by Scott as less pro-choice than he is. I expect this is precisely why we have the status quo that we do in Canada: because the issue is so fraught that we seem to reflexively start deconstructing any discussion of it by anyone to see where it falls in terms of easily understood concepts of pro-choice or anti-abortion.

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