…something positive happens on campus–like learning and thinking. McGill University recently hosted Mary Meehan to represent the pro-life feminist view to students. Read the report here, sounds like it was a good event.
Mary Meehan, a self-proclaimed feminist, liberal author, and public speaker from Maryland, defended the pro-life movement last night as she stood before a packed Leacock 232 at Choose Life’s third official event.
Choose Life, a new interim club at McGill, invited Meehan to explain her seemingly contradictory political beliefs. “I think a moment’s reflection reveals that liberals indeed are anti-choice on many issues …the death penalty, most wars, torture, rape, racial discrimination, and many more. They should add abortion to the list,” Meehan said.
Véronique adds: I graduated in November from McGill with a Master’s degree in law and a specialization in bioethics. I found the law faculty aggressively liberal: we were never exposed to a conservative argument except maybe to mock it. That being said, I never felt threatened or excluded at the biomedical ethics unit. It was very clear that nobody — teacher or student — had a sanctity of life approach to anything. (No good offer will be turned down!) But I could always make a good sanctity of life argument without feeling like I would be tarred and feathered out of the place. I have excellent memories of studying bioethics at McGill, pro-life feminist and all.

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