Because I’m not pro-abortion or pro-choice and I agree with columns like this one:
There may be prejudicial and discriminatory causes for income disparities still, but by now, if a woman of equal ability lags behind a male colleague on the earning-and accomplishment-ladder, chances are she has chosen to sideline her career or education for romantic or some other personal reason at least once.
You’d have a hard time convincing me that outright discrimination exists when it comes to paying men and women. And likewise, I think try as many old-school feminists might to either eradicate this inclination and/or ensure men have precisely the same inclination at least 50 per cent of the time, women want to be mothers, which puts a damper on raging full steam ahead in any job, to be sure. If it doesn’t, it should, and likely for both mothers and fathers.
Bottom line: Men and women are different. And what’s so wrong with that?

The differences between men and women are what make heterosexual relationships interesting for me. Isn’t that the whole point, the bringing together of ‘opposites’? If I really wanted someone just like me I’d date women. I really hate this metrosexual thing that’s going on these days and wish those feminists whose goal seems to be turning men into women would just stop. If you like women so much there are plenty of them; leave the men for those of us who actually like men! Silly feminists!