In light of the recent explosion in Quebec over Cardinal Ouellet’s comments about abortion being wrong even in cases of rape, if you speak/understand French, take a look at this media interview. My French is not perfect, but I understand enough to know she is criticizing the Quebec elite for having no arguments on abortion, only ad hominem attacks; she also criticizes the media for being “chiens de poche”–which I take to mean that they eat out of pro-choice feminists’ hands. (Not this journalist, mind, who allows her plenty of time to explain her point of view.)
So. There is now official footage of one pro-life woman still living in Quebec (besides Tanya) after all.

As a pro-life woman living in Quebec myself, I can personally testify that there are plenty of us here, and we make ourselves known 🙂
What an eloquent young woman! Marilynne Paris had all the arguments. Her opponent could only drown her out in refusing to engage her by saying that respecting the life of another is a personal choice and that no one should change the societal consensus that allows abortion.
Great questioning of rape by pointing out the great need of childless couples, and the self-giving that would enable the baby to have life in a family that wants him, that loves him. “We cannot determine who should have life according to the quality of the sexual union.”