Since everyone is saying RU-486 is so super safe and easy, it is important to at least mention/warn women of what they might experience. I’m going to post these things periodically, because it’s one thing to read about the abortion pill being legalized, and it’s another thing altogether to take it.
Two things, no wait, three, that really bother me. 1) the voices of these women are never heard 2) it appears that so many of those women who love, luv, luuuuuuv the abortion pill are at an age when they would never have to take it 3) the media never report with any concern for the fact that this can be very damaging to women. They never ask any tough questions. Wait, I’m not done with things that really bother me here. 4) Men, who due to biology can but rarely understand what it means to have a painful menstrual cycle, will now begin to associate the abortion pill with, oh say, taking a Tylenol. 5) Women encourage other women and men to see it that way.
Gonna be a rude awakening.
It was around midnight and I had been in the bathroom for a good 12 hours. I knew I couldn’t leave yet. I didn’t want to lay in the bed…the bleeding was too heavy. And the clots were still coming; not as often, but they were still coming.
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