A few pictures from the Hill. Wet and cold. But we had fun!
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Andrea, youre so cute under that umbrella! 🙂 Good exemple, go march in. I know how nice is that March!
So frustrating how the media won’t cover this! I stopped by the one here in Chtown on my lunch break yesterday and I was really impressed by the crowd size! »However, at the same time there was a rally of 12 people against a cell tower that got non-stop front page coverage, however nary a word about the much large life rally!
The Citizen gave some coverage this year! They seem to be trying to skew it as mostly a lot of male politicians, but at least it’s something, and it doesn’t deny the numbers.
Hey guys!
I must have missed you at the march; I took a bunch of photos for the Interim for Paul Tuns (next issue), but here are a couple ‘unused’ ones:
(Lea, the amazing young speaker):
(generic crowd shot):
(HR monument in the evening, with candle vigil people walking by):