Came across this web site to help people combat a porn addiction courtesy of this article on Life Site News. I’ve recently had a bad experience with pornographic Twitter spam and also popups (that came up under a football game I was watching through a free website–you get what you pay for.) Since porn is all around us, all the time, I think it’s good to draw attention to those sites dedicated to helping people stop. I can’t comment on this particular one, but I think it’s good when people raise awareness of the problem.

Good post. Pop under windows are worse than annoying and of course they are on otherwise ‘innocent’ sites.
A little off-topic…But a good piece of software available for all browsers to keep these popups and ALL advertisements off your screen is ad block plus. That being said, I find it very frustrating that I constantly receive junk mail containing photos of nude females. Since when did spammers begin taking on this approach?