So three ProWomanProLife ladies walk into a bar… no this isn’t the start of a lame joke but rather exactly what Brigitte, Véronique and I did last night. Now why would you care about what I did last night? You wouldn’t. Except that at one point Véronique gestures for us to listen more closely to the two guys sitting at the table next to us. These guys looked like they were in their late 20s, having dinner, and discussing…Justin Bieber’s comments about abortion. It was too noisy to really eavesdrop but it just goes to show you that what a 16-year-old celebrity says gets heard.
Véronique (who has better hearing) adds: The dudes had more issues with Rolling Stone misquoting JB than with the teen idol’s position on abortion. Which is good in a way: It shows acceptance of the pro-life position.

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