I can testify that there is something “different” about me during ovulation, and this is no individual quirk. Evolution has crafted women to desire intercourse more during this fertile period, and a new study suggests that women might even be able to detect which man is most likely to desire her as well.
They buy sexier clothing, are more likely to stare at attractive men and — if they are strippers — they get better tips.
And now science has identified yet another characteristic of the elusive ovulating woman: she is better at picking out straight men from the gays.
A new study led by researchers at the University of Toronto suggests that ovulation significantly improves a woman’s ability to judge a man’s sexual orientation.
A slew of strange ovulation phenomena have been uncovered in recent years as scientists track how the female cycle impacts mating practices. Other research has suggested that ovulating women emit a scent that is more attractive to men, get better tips as lap dancers andbuy sexier clothing in an unconscious attempt to outdo rivals.
“That suggests they’re not hyper attentive to everything, just men and sex essentially,” Rule says.
In terms of practical application of the findings, Rule says it may be useful for women to know that they appear to be better at picking partners — at least sexual partners — when they are ovulating.
FYI, if you’re on birth control, you can’t ovulate.
Andrea adds: Splitting hairs, perhaps, and I know this wasn’t the point of this post, but if you are on birth control, you most likely don’t ovulate. (I believe the Pill first and foremost attempts to stop ovulation, but if that fails, it makes the womb inhospitable to a fertilized egg.)
Dan says
I can testify to the fact that my wife drives me crazy when she ovulates… seriously, I can always tell when she’s fertile.