This is not your standard Today’s Parent piece. It includes an F bomb or two and talks about what people won’t tell you about the first year of parenting. But I liked it. Because at the end he talks about unconditional love and learning what it really means:
Having a kid is different. That’s love, full stop, completely regardless of what he does or doesn’t do, whether he conquers the world or just a couple continents. Even at our lowest moments, when my son was screaming at me for trying to console him and I was hucking him on the roof in frustration, I was still quite completely in love with him… …But no pet, or Tamagotchi, or any of my dozens of video game spouses have ever aroused the same sensation within me, and when that little imbecile pulls a napkin over his head and starts cackling like a lunatic, it’s a feeling that somehow flares even brighter. Seriously, try it out sometime. Everyone go get pregnant right now.
(That last part is easier said than done.)
photo credit: Katie Tegtmeyer via photopin cc
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