I just couldn’t blog about this lunch eating lady describing her organ sales from aborted fetuses. Too macabre. But then a friend wrote with this link to a New York Magazine article. And she asked these questions, which I’ll just cut and paste here:
Do people really think the issue is whether or not you can do useful things with aborted tissue?
How much do you have to deaden your soul to be ok with listening to her discuss how you position a baby so you don’t damage its liver when you dismember it?
More good questions asked about Planned Parenthood on this CNN blog:
Planned Parenthood is sensitive to us getting the wrong idea about what it does. But we’re sensitive about not having to find out.
Whoever thinks about the reality of abortion unless they actually have to participate in one? Whoever considers the crushed organs: the hearts, lungs and livers? We all prefer to mask this truth behind euphemisms, of which Planned Parenthood is simply the market leader. Reproductive health centers. Medical services. Procedures. Anything but calling it what abortion really is — the obliteration of a fetus.
Now, we may argue that sometimes abortion is necessary or a matter of privacy between a woman and her doctor. But that shouldn’t stop us from being honest about it. On the contrary, what’s troubling about modern society is its habit of dressing up difficult things in comforting language — discouraging people from dwelling too hard on the realities of what they are doing.
I’ll say.
Thomas R says
I’ve been wondering if as a society, we’ve actually taken the time to consider whether or not we’re OK with aborted fetal tissues being used to “advance science” (one can easily find news stories which report such research). Are we OK with building discoveries on the backs of babies that have been aborted.
I will admit, I myself have not considered the science and new discoveries that have been generated this way.
Andrea Mrozek says
does anyone know the extent to which Canada does this too? Contributes?
Brigid says
Planned Parenthood is structure of evil that has conned millions of women over the years. Its bottom line is making money — profiting on human misery. The base of lies on which Planned Parenthood is built is beginning to give way. Much more will come out of this expose.