I am not a fan of using the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut to advocate for the unborn. I have seen this happen on Twitter. I am not in favour of connecting the Newtown event with abortion because I believe these are fundamentally different issues and I believe that in this period directly following the horrible massacre, those families who lost loved ones should be allowed to mourn free from the interference of activists of all kinds–be it those who want gun control or those who want pro-life laws.
However, this video makes a powerful point about what it means to be pro-life in a broader sense. Pro-lifers believe in protecting all children, and we believe that when we fail to do so as a society, we have all failed. There are no prescriptions made in the video and there is no condemnation of those who are not pro-life. It is a simple statement of why I am pro-life: because when we fail to protect children, we have generally failed in our culture and our society.
We are failing in many ways, these days.
I therefore appreciate this video.

On the topic of the Conneticut shootings, Christina Dunigan at Real Choice had this to say:
I agree with her. If there is anything at all hopeful in this massacre, it is that parents everywhere are hugging their children a little tighter these days. For one brief shining moment, the entire continent stands in solidarity with those who have lost loved ones. It’s tragic that it takes a catastrophe this enormous to achieve some semblance of unity, but there you have it.