Cuz I know tomorrow is budget day, and apparently, funding birth control is actually economic stimulus. Can’t make this stuff up, better watch Nancy Pelosi yourselves:
Fewer people, er, does indeed mean lower costs. I assume we’re all willing to get rid of one or two family members. After all, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Tough economic times, and all.
Seriously people. I don’t know whether Obama is behind this or not but that has to be one of the dumber statements I’ve heard from a top level leader in a long while. And they made fun of Sarah Palin. Yeesh.
Brigitte is scratching her head: We have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy, she says. So the federal government helps fund contraception. Because the downturn in the economy led to too much unprotected sex? Or not enough? Is the subsidized contraception meant to encourage more Americans to engage in the activity? They need encouraging?
Gosh. These nice sophisticated and educated folks are too subtle for me.
UPDATE: President Obama may deprive the world of a good joke…

“Family planning services” – another euphemism for abortion and contraception. Should be family unplanning. Fewer children of course mean, well, fewer children to support with health care and education, so of course this plan will cut costs. I am at a loss as to how spending millions now in “family planning services” is going to possibly stimulate the economy in the short term. Is she thinking that because there will be more money for abortions and “better access” to contraception – whatever that means – that people will run out tomorrow to buy a big-screen TV or new car, thus stimulating the economy? I’m with Andrea – this is just dumb. It is also scary that someone with the political power of Nancy Pelosi can speak of such nonsense.