Will wonders never cease? We’ve advanced to the final five in the Best New Blog category at the Canadian Blog Awards.
Thank you to all those who voted.
Now seems as good a time as any to come clean: I’m in this for the accolades. The recognition. (I don’t mean to show off, but I got free passes to see Bella. Yes, that’s right. Free.)
So if you’d like to vote for us again to become BEST new Blog, not just one of five–you can do so here.
Sarah Palin's Retarded Baby says
ProWomanProLife, isn’t that an Oxymoron?
Sarah Palin's Retarded Baby says
Isn’t pro woman pro life a bit of an oxymoron?
Andrea Mrozek says
If this was sent in once, I *might* have thought it was spam. But no, some classy individual really, really wanted us to get this comment. Hence I decided to publish both.
Mrs. Ashe says
It is abundantly obvious to the reader that whoever uses such a handle as “Sarah Palin’s Retarded Baby” is both utterly déclassé AND moronic to boot. Perhaps a Carleton grad?