580 CFRA, an Ottawa radio station reports about our ideas here.
And Lifesite news reported about us here.
Numerous blogs have been kind enough to mention us as well, here and here…
Thank you also to all who have emailed–and so many of you have. Your appreciation is, well, much appreciated, and I’m going to respond to each note individually as soon as I can.
Then there are the detractors, of course, which to be perfectly honest, I appreciate as well. Votelife Canada’s blog wrote about us here. One comment on that. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, founder of the largest abortion clinic in New York City a couple of decades ago, turned pro-lifer (and after he became pro-life he converted to Roman Catholicism) says this, and I’m paraphrasing: The country that can outlaw abortion doesn’t need to, and the country that needs to, can’t.
It’s Ye Olde Catch 22 of this thing we call democracy. I may well be Canada’s first pro-choice pro-lifer. But I’m not “OK” with the abortion choice and that’s why I started this group.
Incidentally, there are more radio shows to come and we’ll keep you posted on those as they get closer.
Brigitte agrees wholeheartedly: I don’t believe the issue should revolve around who’s pure of heart and who isn’t. There are 100,000 abortions in this country every year. True, if abortion were illegal there would be a whole lot less. But unless you spend your spare time burying your head in the sand, you know it’s not likely to be made illegal soon. So in the meantime, instead of griping that some of us aren’t pure enough, those of us who’d rather work on that aspect of the issue ought to try our best to change the culture. There should be room enough in the pro-life movement for all of us.

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