And let’s face it: At ProWomanProLife our mouths are pretty big.
So what would it cost to support a woman and her baby? Til they were self-sufficient and out of the woods?
An approximation of monthly expenses:
1200 rent
500 food
110 phone/internet
300 miscellaneous
500 baby supplies
for a total of 2600 per month.
On a “World Vision” model of 30 dollars per month I need 87 people (ok, 86.6 people).
Or I need 50 people at 30 dollars a month and 11 people at 100 dollars per month.
Or 26 people at 100 dollars a month.
You get my point.
I consider this because I recently offered full financial support for a woman facing a crisis pregnancy. She was a friend of a friend and wanted to get an abortion. I have no doubt in my mind that I would have been able to do this–for her–even if through a re-arrangement of my own finances. But to be able to do it on repeat for the many more women who need it, on a regular basis… that would require something else.
I don’t know where ProWomanProLife will end up, but this is one model: And apparently whereas I can support a child on 30 dollars a month in Africa, the Canadian context calls for a lot more.
Things to think about.
Tanya adds: I agree, and who wouldn’t. $35 a month essentially provides for a family of 5 in the Philippines. It is more expensive to live in Canada; that’s a fact. But what standard of living are we aiming for? What local charities are there to become affiliated with? And what federal and provincial social services are already in place? (How I would have loved to get to live on $2600 per month when my daughter was a wee thing.)
Andrea adds: Those estimates were deliberately high–it’s easier to ask for less than more, in the end. I actually have little idea how much a baby costs–the rest of you will know that better than I. But what I’m aiming to buy for a young pregnant woman in distress is peace of mind–however much that costs.

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