I love this: One lone American Senator (Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska) may, all by himself, jam Barack Obama’s gigantic health-care reform bill because, he says, “As it is, without modifications, the language concerning abortion is not sufficient”.
It doesn’t matter what you think of the health care bill, or what you think of abortion, or what you think of Nebraska. What matters is this: There are still politicians in this world who stand up for their principles, even against their own party. Sure, it’s annoying (hello, understatement) to those who want that bill passed, but that’s the way representative democracy works, and it beats all the alternatives we’ve ever tried.
[cross-posted to Breakout Network]
** I will add, for this site, that this example also gives something for Canadian pro-lifers to look up to. See, Sen. Nelson’s stand may not last. He may change his mind, or there may be some compromise he’ll find acceptable. I don’t know. But at least this episode shows that there are a few politicians there who are openly and stubbornly pro-life, and who never miss a chance to act on those beliefs. It’s a democracy so many times they lose. But sometimes they win, too. And regardless of the final scorecard, what matters is living according to your conscience. Got that, Canadian politicians? Now get to it.
The cynical side of Andrea adds: He may be waiting to declare his position because he can be bought. That doesn’t void what you are saying Brigitte, in that he may prove to be the lone vote on which the whole thing falls. But it doesn’t necessarily mean he did so on principle. Could mean no one offered to scratch his back in just the right way.
Brigitte is sorry to admit that Andrea wins to one: And it’s not because I don’t like it when Andrea wins, but I was hoping for something better. Well, pfft. He caved.

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