There are many orphans in Africa and it’s not because of a lack of access to abortion. It’s due to the AIDS epidemic and warfare, so far as I can tell. Thus far, no one has suggested we kill those kids off “to save them.” Until now:
But Vicki Saporta, president and CEO of the National Abortion Federation Canada, says Harper’s decision to exclude abortion funding from his initiative will create generations of orphans in developing countries.
Fan-Tas-Tic. Remind me. How is it these people enjoy mainstream media support, again?

I realize you’re asking it rhetorically.
The media is reflexively pro-abortion, unwilling to question the assumptions of anyone who make any claim about the ‘goodness’ of abortion. I mean, the article talks about ‘the overwhelming scientific evidence’, and doesn’t even bother to check and see if that’s remotely true (in fact, it’s either false or inconclusive). If journalists did any fact-checking, instead of push-journalism, 90% of societal problems would be understood reasonably well by their readership. Instead, they compound the problems.
I’m really hoping that Ms. Saporta is arguing under the assumption that the majority of women who die from unsafe abortions have children already, that they in turn will leave behind orphaned. This is untrue, but I’d like to think she doesn’t really want to argue that aborting children who will have difficult lives is the way forward.
Jennifer, you’re probably right. It’s just I was recalling a conversation with a woman who ran an abortion clinic, who looked me in the eyes and said, “If we didn’t do what we do here, do you know what we would have?” I thought she was going to say back-alley abortions. But no. She said orphanages.
Hence my acerbic post.
On a side note: Have you ever considered writing a series of counter-arguments to common pro-choice arguments, easily tagged on your blog? I think the pro-choice side has some very good arguments, but they’re very seldomly challenged.
I’d also appreciate seeing some of those counter-arguments if anyone has the time to add them. When I hear pro-choice commentary, I quite often know I’m hearing nonsense but don’t have the facts at hand to challenge what they say.