It’s good to read articles like this one, to get a sense of the sentiments of doctors who do abortions, if for no other reason. They see themselves as super heroes, donning capes in hospital corridors (and killing babies in a single bound). Their patients thank them, with tears in their eyes…
The whole article bothered me, from begining to end. That said, the part that bothered me most was the abortion doctor who tells his patients “We’ll get through this together.” Really? Because the doctor is only there for the duration of the abortion–not for the rest of the woman’s life.
As for the one abortion provider who simultaneously is looking to adopt and is worried about what to tell his adoptive child when the time comes? I’d have to say he likely doesn’t have to worry–what are the chances he’ll get a child? After all, there are so many abortions, so few adoptions.

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