So, Letterman’s defense of his remarks about the sexual activities of the Palin women comes down to him asserting that he was referring to 18-year-old Bristol and not 14-year-old Willow. Why is this any better? Is it the fact that he was joking about statutory rape that was really the problem, or is it the contempt he showed for the entire family by taking his jokes in that direction in the first place?
In spite of the fact that Letterman’s behaviour was sexist, and that feminists have been entirely silent about it, in my opinion the really interesting issue in Palin-hatred is about class, not sex. The Palins, before her entry into politics, anyway, were solidly middle class – at the blue collar end, at that. She has a bit of an accent, one that isn’t associated with erudition and sophistication. They have a number of children that, for coastal elites, is awkwardly high. And they’re tacky enough actually to believe in and live their religion, as compared to just going to a beautiful building where the choir sings traditional songs, and not letting anything as silly as faith shape their behaviour. I’m waiting for a book about that. Any potential authors out there?
On a more politically relevant note, Palin denies that she’s a “frontrunner” for 2012, for what it’s worth. I kind of hope she isn’t a frontrunner- I think it will take something extraordinary for the current incumbent to lose the next election, and I don’t want to see her lose in 2012, because then her chances of getting the nomination in 2016 are slim. I’d like to see her stay as Governor, or perhaps become a Senator, keep building support and credibility and connections, and then run in 2016.
Andrea adds: I still have faith (the hope for things as of yet unseen) that extraordinary things can happen. (“I think it will take something extraordinary for the current incumbent to lose the next election”). Call me a dreamer. And yet I too don’t believe Palin should be a frontrunner for 2012. I conclude that she was not ready for the vice presidential candidacy this last time round. She needs some time to get her head around the wily ways of the Hamptons set.
Deborah Gyapong says
A miracle did happen! NOW has made a public statement against Letterman.
How cool is that! Sisterhood forevah!
Elizabeth says
Rebecca, I think you are correct about the class thing.
Funny how Michelle O’s designer wardrobe is written about as “cutting edge fashion” and in a positive light. But, the RNC-purchased wardrobe that Palin has returned is fodder for non-stop jokes about her going on shopping sprees, etc. I think this was due to the class issue as well.
Rebecca Walberg says
DG – that is impressive. Well done, NOW. (That’s not something I find myself saying a lot.)
Elizabeth – if Sarah Palin were wearing sleeveless tops all over the country on official business, and hugged the Queen, we would never hear the end of the sly “white-trash” jokes.
Bob Devine says
I think you are right on in regards to the class thing but in my opinion the way things are going I think the “O” man might be lucky to get the Dem. nomination in the next one. Because of the MSM bias he still seems to be doing well but it is only a matter of time (we still have more than 3 years) till he runs afoul of them and they will turn on him in a New York minute when they think they are in danger.