I’m not going to lie. I felt a thrill when I read this news story and found myself thinking (very unlike me) that $200 per ticket isn’t really that much, is it?

I’m not going to lie. I felt a thrill when I read this news story and found myself thinking (very unlike me) that $200 per ticket isn’t really that much, is it?
Omigod omigod omigod!!!
Where do I get tickets!?
My Babies, guns, Jesus t-shirt is already in the mail!
“But recent CNN and ABC/Washington Post polls show seven in 10 Americans regard the mother-of-five as unqualified for the presidency, should she choose to run in 2012.”
Oh how I hate the Toronto Star. What a bunch of jackasses.
As we find out more about Barack Obama’s experience prior to the presidency(CRA & ACORN) we are stunned to find he was antiqualified(not unqualified) to be the president and Sarah was truely the only one on the ticket with executive experience. Besides Rudy Guiliani there are not many lawyers cut out for executive experience, and he had to work at it.
In 1994 or 1995 Barack Obama took the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) of Jimmy Carter and convinced the Clinton Admin to go big time with the CRA. Janet Reno at the top sued the banks to increase their lending in the inner city and Obama was training ACORN workers to shake down the banks and their executives in the branches, at their homes and preventing the banks from expanding into well off areas without increasing lending in the inner city. Obama sued Citibank in court to increase lending to the inner city. Then Franklin Raines, Jamie Garelic and Rahm Emanuel at Freddy Mac facilitated the huge subprime mortgage mess by underwriting this and and having Wall Street repackage these mortgages as collaterized mortgage securities that were sold all around the world and bankrupted many unsuspecting banks, firms, and countries when it came down like a house of cards last fall.
Now Barnie Frank and Chris Dodd want to do it all over again. But this time bigger and better.
The question about Barack Obama is: is really that dumb to cause such a collapse or did he really want to do it to redistribute the wealth of America away from the producers to the poverty stricken? He’s kept company with George Soros, along with a slew of radical communists. He was trained in the Saul Alinsky school of “Rules for Radicals” where you adopt the customs and language of the society you want to subvert in order to take it over.
And perhaps worst of all, he was too stoned to see what the Reagan Revolution did to clean up the mess of the Carter presidency and is endevouring to completely undo it. A return to the Misery Index. Maybe this time the US can go into hyperinflation!
Contast that with Sarah Palin – champion basketball player, journalist, successful small business owner, wife to quite a catch, mother of five, mother of a US soldier, marathoner, successful mayor of her town, successful advocate for the people of her State vs the special interests of the oil companies and both political parties, successful governor of Alaska with an 80% approval rating prior to her VP candidacy.
She’s grounded in First Principles and she’s a fighter. Go, Sarah, Go! Welcome to Canada! Are you our generations’ Margaret Thatcher?
PALIN: Well, my answer was too keep the faith. My answer was to keep the faith. Cause that common sense conservatism can be plugged-in there in Canada too. In fact, Canada needs to reform its health care system and let the private sector take over some of what the government has absorbed. So thank you, keep the faith.
You should be ashamed of youselves for supporting this Vampire!
Contast that with Sarah Palin – champion basketball player – , journalist, successful small business owner, wife to quite a catch, mother of five, mother of a US soldier, marathoner, successful mayor of her town, successful advocate for the people of her State vs the special interests of the oil companies and both political parties, successful governor of Alaska with an 80% approval rating prior to her VP candidacy.
Contast that with Sarah Palin – champion basketball player – WAY BACK IN HIGHSCHOOL. GIVE ME A BREAK, journalist – IF YOU CONSIDER FACEBOOK JOURNALISM, successful small business owner – BUSINESS WENT UNDER AND CLOSED DOWN, wife to quite a catch – TODD IS A MORON, mother of five – ICLUDING THE MIRACLE BABY THAT WAS BORN 3 WEEKS AFTER SHE STARTED “SHOWING”, mother of a US soldier – THAT WAS FORCED TO JOIN THE MILITARY TO AVOID JAIL TIME FOR CUTTING THE BRAKE LINE ON 24 SCHOOL BUSSES, marathoner – COULD NOT FINISH A 3 MILE FUN RUN LAST WEEK, successful mayor of her town – DISMALL FAILURE, LEFT THE TOWN MILLIONS IN DEPT, successful advocate for the people of her State vs the special interests of the oil companies and both political parties – I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN ON THIS ONE , successful governor of Alaska with an 80% approval rating prior to her VP candidacy – HELLO, SHE QUIT, HELLO.
Phil. You should expand your information sources beyond the Huffington Post if you want to deter people from admiring someone with views that are a bit right of centre. I do not want to start a debate with you on the accuracy of your statements but I really think you should research the subject more honestly.
The left lost all credibility in criticizing Sarah Palin. They’re not even objective in the least. They will believe anything of her and make anything up to smear her.
Bob Devine, please do us a favour and debunk all of Phil’s points. I would really like to see it.
If your research skills are that much better, then it should take you no time at all.
Contast that with Sarah Palin –
champion basketball player
– Are you and Suzanne denying that she was only a highschool player? Which of the 5 Colleges she attended did she win an NCAA championship?
– Phil was a bit off on this one… She was a SPORTS REPORTER. A regular Walter Cronkite.
Successful Small Business Owner
– She owned a carwash that had to be shut down because it didn’t pay the necessary fees to stay open, and she didn’t disclose owning part of the company when running for governor. Very competent, no?
wife to quite a catch
– Snowmobile racing… sooo sexy..?
mother of five
– Okay?
mother of a US soldier
– Good for HIM
-She couldn’t finish a 5k charity run: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/kennewick_pasco_richland/story/808281.html
successful mayor of her town
successful advocate for the people of her State vs the special interests of the oil companies and both political parties
successful governor of Alaska with an 80% approval rating prior to her VP candidacy.
– Successful Governor?? I think you have to make it through your first term without quitting to be called that, no?
– and how many ethics complaints does she get a day? i think alaska is just happy she’s not using taxpayers money to give her kids a plane ride to disneyland.
why is she fundraising for a hospital that performs abortions and is part of socialized medicine? oh yeah to get paid. great moral fibre there
Question; Did Stephen Harper cut the brake lines on 24 school buses after stealing a bottle of Vodka from the liquor store when he was 16 years old. Answer: No he did not.
Question; Did Jack Layton cut the brake lines on 24 school buses after stealing a bottle of Vodka from the liquor store when he was 16 years old. Answer: No he did not.
Question; Did Track Palin cut the brake lines on 24 school buses after stealing a bottle of Vodka from the liquor store when he was 16 years old. Answer: Oh, Umm, those records are sealed.
This is not simple vandalism, this is lashing out. Second child, pictures of underage drinking, teen pregnancy. This is a broken family. Time to stay home and try to fix it.
Emoty facade.
The math is what interests me. They are selling $1000 tickets at $200 but hope to raise more selling photos. Apparently Sarah Palin makes about $200,000 a speech. They must be expecting to sell a lot of photos, since presumably they have to pay for catering and other expenses. How much will actually go towards the hospitals? This must be one of those incredibly lavish events where most if not everyone attending is wealthy enough they’re expected to donate more on top of the ticket price.
Count the number of “digs” the Toronto Star article manages to fit into the article. Pitiful how some just can’t help themselves.
Those of you “thrilled” that Palin will be speaking in Hamilton. Do you think she knows this hospital performs abortions and is part of socialized medical system? Or does she only see the $200,000 speaking fee.
Please, can’t we all just let her career die? She is a red rag to the left, and a shameful embarassment to the right.
Even those who agree with her really shouldn’t give her any support. They have far more competent advocates they could be advancing in her place.
Is “wheeeeeee!” a legitimate comment for this post?
Awesome. Let’s see what a real female politician looks like.
I hope the Cancer Centre as well as St. Peter’s makes a good haul when Sarah the Quitter shows up because they’ll never get another dime out of me–ever. I never realized we had such a bunch of neocons on the membership commitee, but now we know. This will come back to bite her if she tries to run for anything in the U.S. again; it’s utterly hypocritical of her to take money from any facility that performs abortions. Period.
Anyone who truly studies this woman’s “accomplishments” and views can see she is not qualified to run anything. And isn’t it funny when a Conservative says they won’t debate an issue? Look close. It means you’ve hit a nerve, Phil…
Sarah Palin is AWESOME…
The left has woefully underestimated her.
Has anyone EVER heard her say anything coherent, that was not scripted? Anyone?
Case in point, read how she answered a softball question from Bill O’Reilly and see if it makes any sense.
Bill O’Reilly: Let me be very bold and fresh again, do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world?
Sarah Palin: I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I’m not saying that that has to be me.
Can anyone really be biased enough to think that was a smart answer? The great irony is that he asked her if she’s smart enough to be president and she gave what might be her dumbest answer yet. That answer was so bad it almost made George W. Bush look smart. Can anyone in good conscience defend that answer and say with a straight face that she should be this country’s leader? ….Cenk Uygur
Phil: The more you write, the more I like her.
Andrea: The more you write, the more I like you.
Andrea and Brigitte, I’m sure God has reserved a special place in heaven for you. Sarah will be amongst you there.
Unfortunately I am cursed with the spineless, spinelessness made up for with education. We the spineless, spinelessness types are going straight to Hell.