I was on the treadmill yesterday watching Fox News and they did an interview with Rebecca St. James about Sarah’s Choice coming out this week on DVD (only, I think). Haven’t seen it, but worth maybe trying to find a copy to see what it is like.

This movie looks like a very good one. It takes me back in time when I was in the same situation, but I got some bad advice from Planned Parenthood. If I could only turn back time.
Is it going to sound totally bad if I say that it vaguely of reminds me of a current storyline in Desperate Housewives . . . especially since I’ve just admitted to watching such a terrible TV show?
I’m sure I’ll rent it or something this winter. I used to LOVE Rebecca St. James. I’ve got free time on my hands and it looks entertaining enough. Plus I IMDBed (<–now a verb) it and saw that at least two of the actors have previously made appearances on NCIS (love that show!), so how bad can it be?
Ah, the convenience of cross-promotion!
Sarah’s Choice is made by Pure Flix studios, a Christian movie producer… but not a movie distributor. For that they tend to partner with Fox, through the Fox Faith brand.
In other words, that ‘interview’ on Fox News was actually intentional advertising – Fox News ‘reporting’ to promote a film distributed by a subdivision of 20th Century Fox.
I see no reason to watch this movie: It’s made by Pure Flix, so I already know exactly how it ends. The woman decides against the abortion, has her baby, cue touching moment and she either has a happily ever after being a devoted mother and sacrificing her career or a happy ever after making the career work too, depending on exactly what brand of social conservative is directing it. Along the way I’d expect to see plenty of horror stories about abortion and demonisation of it – this may include an Evil Abortionist, a friend who informs her that abortion will give her cancer, a touching 4d ultrasound scan, and so on. I’d also expect to see at least one moment of intense Christianity, probably more – this may involve either a sudden revelation or a vision, and may include a church figure or Christian friend as a proxy.
This being a social issue film, there needs to be at least one strongly pro-life character to get Sarah to decide against abortion, and one strongly pro-choice character urging her to get it. I’d expect the latter to be deliberatly someone made for the audience to dislike – he or she will without doubt be less physically attractive than the pro-life counterpart, and will probably be motivated by hate and selfishness just to be quite clear this one is Evil.
I look forward to seeing how many of my predictions are accurate.
I have seen this film, and it’s worth checking out. It has a very powerful message, one that could really impact women facing the touch choice in this film.
Sarah’s Choice is actually distributed by EMI CMG, not Fox Faith and not owned or affiliated with Fox or Fox News. So Fox News was simply reporting.
Several of your predictions are accurate, a few humorously so. But several are not, including the “touching 4d ultrasound scan.”
I encourage you to check out the film for yourself to evaluate your predictions, and then share what your discover.
Hmm. I know how Star Wars ends and yet I still manage to watch it over and over again. I guess knowing how a movie is going to end isn’t a reason to not watch a film. In fact, sometimes I go to movies that I’ve never seen before that I know how they are going to end and still I watch them even though they’re predictable (hello, every single chick flick ever made). Hardly a reason to not watch a film.