…thinking of us til it hurts. That’s an Air Supply song, to take you right back to my youth. We want the Governor General to be thinking of us about this Morgentaler award. So much that it hurts. I’m not out of love, yet. So call her. This info cut and pasted from 4MyCanada.ca
- STEP 1: Program numbers listed below into your speed dial (the most important being the Secretary to the Governor General (613-993-0259) and the Deputy Secretary Order of Canada (613-998-8731)).
- STEP 2: Call these numbers every 2nd day and leave a message saying something like, “I am calling to tell you I do not agree with Morgentaler’s appointment to the Order of Canada and to ask you to have it rescinded (taken away).”
- STEP 3: Save the following e-mails in a group ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected]).
- STEP 4: Write a letter expressing your heart regarding Morgentaler’s appointment to the Order of Canada.
- STEP 5: Hit send (to this group list you created in Step 3) every 2nd day!
Tanya adds: Well, I’ve been following steps 3 to 5 since the 4th of July. Today would be the third time I send in my email. Today is also the first time I get an auto-response from the GG’s office. Clearly, they are experiencing an unusually high volume of emails.
Thank you for writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General. We appreciate hearing your views and suggestions. Responses to specific inquiries can be expected within two to three weeks. Please note that many of the e-mails we receive are in the form of comments or opinions and do not receive a reply. Content that is of an offensive or commercial nature will not receive a response.
Due to the large quantity of incoming correspondence, we also cannot reply to e-mails inquiring about the status of a previous request. Thank you for your understanding.
Andrea adds: Good work, Tanya. I might add, the idea in this is to keep up the pressure for more than a week. We’re talking months here. Yes, you heard me correctly, months. Morning routines will need to be altered to incorporate official correspondence. Shower, coffee, then call the Governor General. That kind of thing.

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