How about the freedom not to be stoned to death? It is unclear whether the woman whose murder is described here was a 23-year-old accused of adultery or a 13-year-old who had been raped. (Not that it matters.) What is undisputed is that the woman was murdered in front of 1,000 onlookers, as well as nurses on hand to make sure that she really was stoned to death.I look forward to Obama working to prevent this ASAP, since he kept on talking about how important it was for women to make choices.
It’s a sick kind of feminism that takes the “right” of women in the developed world to dispose of their unborn children at will more seriously than the rights of women in the undeveloped world to live free from genital mutilation, child rape, marital rape, forced marriage, and stoning.
A young woman recently stoned to death in Somalia first pleaded for her life, a witness has told the BBC.
“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me,” she said, according to the man who wanted to remain anonymous. A few minutes later, more than 50 men threw stones.
Human rights group Amnesty International says the victim was a 13-year-old girl who had been raped.
Initial reports had said she was a 23-year-old woman who had confessed to adultery before a Sharia court.
Numerous eye-witnesses say she was forced into a hole, buried up to her neck then pelted with stones until she died in front of more than 1,000 people last week.
Meanwhile, Islamists in the capital, Mogadishu have carried out a public flogging.

You know, all religions and cultures are pretty much the same.
“You know, all religions and cultures are pretty much the same.”
You have a point – why just last week, I saw a bunch of Evangelical Christians stone a rape victim to death, while walking home from a Jewish wedding between a 12 year old girl and a 50 year old man. (The girl was crying hysterically, but it was just bridal jitters, right?) And I can’t tell you the number of floggings I’ve watched at the Catholic Church across the street from my house.
Rebecca: I totally agree with you. Women in Islamic countries have such hard lives compaired to women in the west. I found it really upsetting when I first read about a 13 year old girl from Saudi who was raped by her brother and his friends but he lied and pretended that she’d been seducing them.
People should push to change that. Instead of pushing abortion on everyone. Even though in some cultures women would have even less options to refuse an unwanted abortion then we do in the west.