June 15, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A UK couple recently lost their last IVF embryo when it was mistakenly implanted in another woman, who aborted the baby when she discovered it was not hers.
If we agree that abortion is a personal decision for the woman who’s pregnant with the unborn child, then this embryo’s biological mother had no way of preventing her baby from being terminated. I am very sorry for her (and for her husband).
BillyHW says
Oh my God! They’ve killed our baby! You know, the one we’ve been keeping in the freezer for the last six years!
SarahB says
This is the second time I’ve read on PWPL of this happening (woman aborting “wrong” embryo) and I have to wonder if it doesn’t happen much more than we realize. I wonder if there are IVF couples out there who never know they got someone else’s embryo and are (happily, I hope) raising a baby that isn’t biologically their own.
I also wonder what’s wrong with someone who so desperately wants to be pregnant that she undergoes IVF, succeeds in getting pregnant (and so often it isn’t a successful procedure) and then turns around and aborts the baby because it isn’t “hers.” Of course, the legal and ethical ramifications of actually giving birth (just whose baby is it, anyway?) are potentially insane, so maybe that plays a role in the decision.
A horrible situation, though. I’m also very sad for the biological parents.