This made me laugh out loud. Great satire is hard to come by:
THE ANSWER to all our problems is staring us in the face. It may even be quite literally staring at you, right now, across the breakfast table.
So put the paper down, stare back and ask yourself a selfless question.
Does the woman in your life really need a job?
Admittedly, this is not a fashionable question. From Iceland to Australia, men are blamed for causing the credit crunch, while a more feminine approach to finance is proposed as the solution. …
It would be ludicrous to suggest that women should be sacked purely to give men their jobs. In many cases, their jobs should be abolished as well.
This modest proposal is also somewhat unfair. Some of us live alone, and were all women to be canned, the single ones would suffer.
(Hey–is this even the craziest suggestion to “fix” the economy? I think not. Wish the billions shovelled into the money hole was satire too.)

Pah! Isn’t it obvious, Andrea? Quit your job and live on the government’s dime, it’s the perfect solution!
What’s that about a money hole?
Wow. Sexist and Classist in one fell swoop. Congrats to the author of that article.
Like you said Andrea, some women just don’t have the choice.