I’m trying to think of something more unpopular to say than “I’m waiting til marriage to have sex” but nothing springs to mind. It’s better when kids say it, as these brave young souls did in this article:
Cool and sassy, the Generation No-Sex is a splinter group of youngsters who reckon sex and marriage go hand in hand. In the last four years, 25,000 young Brits have joined a growing abstinence movement for reasons not just related to religion.
One girl in the article says “Some people may think that’s outdated, but I don’t care.” Nor should she.
In any event, is it really so outdated? “Old fashioned” is the new hip. As I pointed out earlier, other things are getting pretty old, too, namely this idea that you can and/or should traipse from relationship to relationship, without ever truly committing to anything at all, allowing cynicism and heartache to grow, while getting STIs, and possibly pregnant with someone who is not unconditionally committed to you. That’s “outdated” too.
(h/t ConservativeHome)

Call it vintage. 😉