It’s stories like this one that really drive it home for me. Maybe the sexual revolution wasn’t so great after all?
byCHICAGO — Half of men in the general population may be infected with human papillomavirus or HPV, the human wart virus that causes cervical and other cancers, strengthening the case for vaccinating boys against HPV, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
U.S. vaccine advisers have been weighing whether boys and young men should be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus, as they already recommend for girls and young women, but some worry the vaccine is too costly to justify its use.
HPV infection is best known as the primary cause of cervical cancer, the second most common cancer in women worldwide. But various strains of HPV also cause anal, penile, head and neck cancers. Vaccinating men and boys would prevent some of these cancers.
alexa says
wow, clearly the US needs a lot more affordable std treatment facilities and sexual education centres!
Melissa says
Do you guys have any idea just how much the HPV vaccine costs? It’s about $400 per person. Is that really the best use of our public health dollars?
“The question of cost-effectiveness looms large, but there are few studies weighing the relative cost-benefit ratios of the options. A background paper written for the BC Cancer Agency by economist and epidemiologist Hans Kreuger concluded that introducing Gardasil in BC in 2005 (assuming a cost of $330 and a booster at $100) would save $54 million in treatment costs over 26 years. But it would cost $373.6 million. “That’s just saying we’re avoiding the cost of treatment,” says Krueger. To break even at the end of 26 years, the vaccine would have to cost $45; a booster $15. ” ( )
Think of the different ways that kind of money could be put to use. Hot lunch programs for needy kids. Community-based sports programs. From a public health perspective, HPV, although a nuisance, is not a huge problem.
And the vaccine only protects against four of a possible hundred strains of HPV.
Girls! Ask yourselves please: is that orgasm really worth it?