…and it looks like it could be Morgentaler. These rumours are floating around the web. Here’s some info behind the rumour.
On Friday, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) sent out “Order of Canada talking points” to Conservative Members of Parliament and said that tomorrow, June 30, the Governor General will issue new awards. Nowhere in that email did it say who will get an award, but sources tell me Dr. Henry Morgentaler will be among the recipients.
The talking points were meant to show process–how the decision works, and that Cabinet does not have anything to do with this decision. It sounds as though they are preparing for the pending outcry.
Many questions remain: Why now? Why not part of the official process back in February? Was protocol routed to do this? And finally, though I only chose to blog about this when I had confirmation from different sources, will it prove true?
Happy Canada day, all.
Andrea updates: This is not a rumour. Morgentaler is definitely getting the Order of Canada tomorrow.

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