You can say that? That’s awesome. Now everytime the media/my boss/friends/parents ask me a question that might require thought I have a pat reply in my back pocket.
But his support of abortion, a non-negotiable issue for many conservative Christians, remains a considerable obstacle, and he drew disapproving noises from the 2,800 audience at the Saddleback mega-church in Lake Forest, when he gave an evasive response to the question of when human rights begin following conception.
“Whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade,” said Mr Obama.
Again (broken record alert): One of the ways to support abortion is to put your head in the sand and pretend you just don’t know what’s going on in there–what’s that body part called–a uterus? Goldangit, it’s just so complicated.
This actually works for many, I might add.
What works for Brigitte: The story adds that:
Mr McCain, who has always been against abortion, in contrast gave a swift response: “At the moment of conception”. He won a loud round of applause.
And since then, my shares in a Republican winner-take-all scenario have increased slightly. I’m gambling on the University of Iowa’s electoral futures market for the first time this year; we’re using real money and while I’m no particular fan of John McCain I think he will win. One of my reasons for believing Mr. McCain will win is Mr. Obama’s extreme position on abortion. Not my main reason, but a significant one. Wouldn’t that be a hoot to make money by gambling on the pro-life side?
Andrea adds again: Incidentally, on theological versus scientific perspectives: it’s the science that is particularly clear. New genetic material for every person begins with conception. We’re all former embryos, my friends. I just might even buy the t-shirt.

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