Hillary Clinton snapped: “My husband is not secretary of state, I am.”
Part of me is quite amused (I’m no fan of the Clintons). But a smaller part of me is sympathetic to her as well. On the whole, I think she reacted just right. You?

I wouldn’t really call the Clintons’ relationship a marriage; I mean have they really been husband and wife since the Monica Lewinsky scandal, not to mention all of Bill’s other indiscretions? I think Hilary might just be getting a little tired of keeping up the pretense.
Totally superficial: I hardly recognised Hilary. I kept waiting for her to walk onto the stage and replace that blonde lady in the chair!
I agree that I didn’t recognize Hilary until they zoomed in on her, but love or no, she is right on! Most especially in a professional way she shouldn’t be speaking for her husband and vice versa. Mags don’t ask Barak about MIchelle’s fashion and they don’t ask Michelle about policy (not that she isn’t capable of discussing it), the reporter was out of line.