Yesterday pro-life students part of the Youth Protecting Youth club faced theft and vandalism. Simply for having a table. In a university. On Clubs’ Day. To share a perspective. About a controversial social and political issue.
On September 10th, two women rushed a pro-life club table at the University of Victoria, snatching the fetal models on display and dumping used cat litter all over the table. Youth Protecting Youth (YPY) was participating in the university’s Clubs Days event and had a recruitment table to sign up new members and engage with other students on the pro-life issues.
Although the fetal models were recovered, club members arrived back this morning to find that the vandals had broken into the closed clubs room and that more filthy litter had been dumped on the table and the fetal models – valued at several hundred dollars – had been stolen.
This is just ridiculous. The students who engaged in this destructive behaviour should be ashamed of themselves. If they’re incapable of engaging in rational, reasonable debate on an issue that I’m gathering they feel strongly about, they should take up a hobby and focus their energies elsewhere. Heck, they could spend more time quietly snuggling their cats.
Each year I read about this kind of stupidity and each year I’m stunned. These students are young adults. Young ADULTS. Forget it. Let’s drop the “young.” These students are ADULTS. And their response to a perspective they disagree with is…kitty poop.
I can’t believe I just wrote that last sentence. I’m going to bed. No, first I’m going to go vent about this to my husband. Then I’m going to try and sleep.
Cat poop, people. Cat poop.
David says
A university like the University of Victoria reminds me of; ‘Don’t let school get in the way of your education’. The fight pro life students have had to undergo to have club status and at this university and the lack of protection they are offered shows that UVIC is not interested in education but interested in promoting a narrow minded ‘liberal’ education one typical of; ‘I am tolerant of everyone who agrees with me’.. Three cheers for the pro life students at UVIC. A better educational is just across the channel is – Trinity Western.
Julie Culshaw says
They are desperate. They can’t engage in a discussion, because they have to defend what they (or their friends) have done, which is take a life. Facing that truth is extremely painful, hence they resort to kitty litter.
Here in Halifax, the crisis pregnancy centre was to have a table at Dalhousie University but at the last minute, they were told they couldn’t come. This is simply to be there with brochures to pass out, there isn’t even any pro-life stuff on the table. The whole approach is just to let girls know there is help available for them. But the pro-choice lobby has to shut it down, they can’t risk anyone seeing the truth – that maybe abortion is wrong.
Faye Sonier says
It’s upsetting but it’s also sad. I wonder how many of the individuals who engage in this type of behaviour are post-abortive and if/what impact that has. I’m thankful that the pro-life students are steady, strong and consistent in offering an alternative and a message of hoping and healing. These students are on the front lines. Bless them.