I’m having a hard time wondering whether this headline is deliberately facetious:
News Flash: Mandatory waiting periods for abortion are related to higher rates of unintended teen births.

I’m having a hard time wondering whether this headline is deliberately facetious:
News Flash: Mandatory waiting periods for abortion are related to higher rates of unintended teen births.
That’s what I call a roaring success! XD I suppose an extremist pro-choicer only sees the loss of a potential abortion. Oh how sad, all those abortions that will now never happen. *sniff* Oh man, I’m in a mean mood today.
But it’s just an “association” (as they always tell us with the Abortion-Breast-Cancer link). It certainly doesn’t mean that giving people adequate time to consider their “choice” might actually make them change their mind…does it? 😉
Teen birth rate = teen pregnency rate – teen abortion rate. Nice simple math.
If you drop the teen abortion rate, regardless of how you do it, their birth rate will rise by an equal number. If you want to reduce the problem of teen birth, then you need to either reduce the number getting pregnent or raise the number that do go for an abortion.
Those three numbers are unavoidably related.
Also, Kristina, us pro-choicers don’t see an abortion avoided. We imagine some bright young woman having to drop out of university and abandon her career before it even gets started, quite likely a single mother forced to live on government benefits because she can’t work and care for a baby at the same time, and without a good education doomed to spend the rest of her working life as a shelf-stacker.
Andrea, that headline is ridiculous. It would be amusing, if the subject not so serious.
Well Suricou, what I see is a life saved (which has a 50% chance of being female as well you know) that was almost killed. Does this life figure nowhere in the equation for you?
What we pro-lifers imagine is a woman who will more than likely never regret the choice to have her child. I also see a strong woman who has potential to achieve her dreams and have a child. Why do pro-choicers view having children as such life-ending burdens for parents? There is joy and reward in having a child, which a teen mom will experience as well.
Even if she chooses adoption, she won’t have to deal with the sad realization each year of how old her baby would be now.
Are you completely ignorant of the programs that exist to assist a single mother in getting an education and paying for daycare, etc? My brother’s friend had twins at 17, who are not aged 18 months. She is also starting school this fall. She has an awful support system and is single. However, she views these two girls as the best thing that ever happened to her.
“Why do pro-choicers view having children as such life-ending burdens for parents?”
Because they view women as weak and incompetent. It takes strength, courage and encouragement to keep a baby, a determination many pro-abortion women didn’t have.
Suricou – I like your math!
So, are you saying that a career is so important that it’s ok to kill to get it? And if that career is so important, why is she freely engaging in an activity that could jeopardize it – an activity that often leads to pregnancy? (Please note: I’m not talking about the <1% of pregnancies that happen as a result of rape or incest.)
“Well Suricou, what I see is a life saved (which has a 50% chance of being female as well you know) that was almost killed. Does this life figure nowhere in the equation for you?”
I evaluate moral worth based on mental capacity, because this is the only system I could come up with that is even vaguely close to handling all life in some consistant way. It’s an imperfect approach, but it’s a whole lot better than ‘Humans are magic.’
There isn’t a lot going on in a fetus brain. There isn’t a whole lot going on in a newborn either, but at least with them it’s safe to ere on the side of too much protection without infriging on the rights of another.
The main problem right now is that I can’t find a way to quantify it. I would like to know exactly how many birds my pet cats need to kill before their existance becomes an overall negative.
“My brother’s friend had twins at 17, who are not aged 18 months. She is also starting school this fall.”
I happen to know a woman in a teen pregnency, indirectly – I know the father, also teenage. Last I heard she dropped out of university, and then we lost contact when he broke up upon hearing of the second pregnency.
Anedcotes really are worthless. In just about every statistical measure you can find, single parents perform worse than couples, and teenage parents worse than those of later years – and the same is true for their parents.
“And if that career is so important, why is she freely engaging in an activity that could jeopardize it”
Because people, male or female, are stupid.