People! I’ve inspired a hostile web site! What a thrill! It’s by two feminists in Toronto. I’m not going to try and conceal my delight. Check it out.
Jenn happily adds: “NeoCon”? Wow, I didn’t even know Canada had NeoCons, let alone that I was one of them. I digress…I find the idea of a political group (or in this case, a pair) refusing to debate anything particularly amusing and incredibly irrational. How does one expect to make the collective decisions necessary without discussing them?

Dedicated to Henry Morgentaler – yuck! Do people know that the equipment in his abortion clinic in Halifax was made by the same company that produced the machines that gassed the Jews in Germany? Why do people not see the incredible dichotomy in Morgentaler, a man who survived the Nazi camps, and now exterminates the defenseless in the womb? and a man who supposedly cares for women, but writes incredibly gross poetry about their body parts.
Congratulations Andrea and the women of PWPL. Backlash means you’ve riled them. Cheers to you.
On another note…I read through some of their blog and I noticed something that my 4 young children have called to my attention over the years….it seems that pro-abortionists are incapable of expressing their thoughts (rational or otherwise) without the use of expletives and crass language. My children have been asking, ever since the first March For Life they attended, why the pro-abortion group ALWAYS seems to swear so much?? As my husband says, “why do they think we don’t take them seriously?” They look like a lunatic fringe with the way many of them dress and present themselves at these protests. And they certainly cannot expect to be taken seriously when they cannot peacefully protest without hurling slurs and epithets continuously. It would be one thing if this were merely how they reacted “in the heat of the moment” (although that would not be an excuse for such crass language either). But in reading through the pro-death blog you linked to, I observe that their use of swearing is constant, continual and ever-present. It makes them sound like childish teenagers. And not just a trifle unintelligent.
Which leads me to another congratulatory note. I applaud and thank you – ladies of PWPL – for always conducting yourselves in a rational, composed, and sophisticated manner. I take great pride and solace in thinking that your voices truly represent me. Never once have I been embarrassed to be “associated with you”. Rather, I am honoured!
Keep at it ladies. And congratulations again!
Julie–Don’t try and make sense of it!
Cynthia–Thank you!
And yes, I believe that swear words ought not be used in writing. I approve of the well-placed swear word in moments of extreme frustration when spoken, but rarely to never in writing because it then sounds a) too emotional, and people, I find don’t appreciate reading text that slaps them in the face with an emotional viewpoint and b) makes it seem as though you have no vocabulary.
So that will continue as PWPL policy. Not that we ever needed to institute such a policy, but you get my point.
Well said Cynthia, yes I too am glad to have Andrea and the crew at PWPL represent me.
Congratulations! It is clear from the language and the fury that you have touched a raw nerve. The coven is in session.
I don’t think that blog could possibly be more cliché. Oooooh! Neo-cons! (How can you not laugh?)
But you know what they say: you know you’re over the target when you start taking flak!
Andrea, thanks for the publicity.
“Do people know that the equipment in his abortion clinic in Halifax was made by the same company that produced the machines that gassed the Jews in Germany?”
And those tracking number tattoos were codes for punch-card processors made by what would later become IBM.
PWPC is not a very well written blog, but their fundamental point should sting a bit. PWPL, for all it’s pretence of feminism, is still in violation of all that the movement stands for.
Oh, and just to be clear: I think it is possible to be both feminist and anti-abortion. That’s not the problem. No, the problem is that PWPL is anti *contraception* as well – and that is a contradiction that just cannot be made to work. Contraception is just too fundamental to the idea of gender equality, as it’s key to removing the natural inequality of biology.
Or you could have a sex change operation, Suricou Raven. That would fix your feeling of inequality.
Well done PWPL!! And Suricou Raven, I’m a little unclear about your last statement. Are you saying that in our natural state women are unequal to men?
Excellent point Mary.
I, for one, was always taught and have always believed that women are equal to men. (I am not advocating for men and women to be considered “the same”. Merely ‘equal’). So Mary – since you and I quite obviously believe that women are and have always been equal to men (in our natural state, no less) then it stands to reason that *we* are the true feminists. And it would appear that Suricou has some degree of low-level misogynistic attitudes that are rearing their ugly head. Shame shame.
Thanks for clarifying Suricou. I’ve always liked reading your comments on this blog. Though to be fair: a Catholic feminist would argue that a woman has the right to abstain from sex, even in marriage, and that she doesn’t need contraception to control her fertility. Since contraception doesn’t destroy an embryo (leaving aside the EC controversy for a moment) I don’t see why it should be advocated against.
To clarify the comment I left last night after a long day, I understand the point Suricou was trying to make – that without contraception women would still be stuck having lots of babies, making it impossible to pursue a career and marriage at the same time. However, I believe that the solution to this problem is not to accept that we need to be neutered, but rather to demand that men respect our fertility. There is nothing wrong with the fact that I am capable of getting pregnant and carrying to term probably 25 times in my fertile lifespan. There is something wrong with a man who expects to have access to my body anytime he wants during that span.
I would also like to note that I have never thought of PWPL as an anti-contraceptives website. I find that they speak out against the pill and its harmful effects quite regularly in the interest of providing information. I have also felt that when the discussion does get focuses on contraceptives in general, it is to point out that contraceptives contribute to the mentality that pregnancy is an “accident” that needs to be fixed. It’s all worth discussing and I don’t believe it eliminates any of the women on this site from the feminist category.
Thank you, Mary, for accurately conveying the PWPL approach to contraceptives!
According to them we’re “pretending to be the ‘new face’ of feminism”…Are we? All this time, I thought being pro-life was the old face of feminism. You know, circa 1850’s.
Good comments. Raven et al needs some reworking on reasoning.