Abortion and condom advertising on TV at any time of day or night? That’s the debate in the UK.
There is a backlash to this idea as expressed in the article. Talk of “blushing” and “squirming.”
Well buck up, England. If you aren’t already blushing and squirming with what is on the television, then that is your first problem. Television is currently filled with all the acts that lead to the abortion clinic–let’s connect the dots, shall we? Say you’re watching Gossip Girl–a show about high school students having sex as far as I can tell–and it gets to the commercial break and there’s an ad for a pregnancy centre and an abortion clinic. Maybe you’d pause to consider what the ideas in hyper-sexualised Hollywood lead to. Sex can and frequently does lead to pregnancy–this is one of the great missing links on most television shows.
We have this quote from a pro-life advocate:
Ms. Aston, of Life, said, “Pro-life charities have no money, and pro-abortion charities have a lot. We will never be able to afford to advertise on television.”
Find the funding–there’s money out there–and create some really great ads. I’m sure it can be done.
I grant you that advertising abortion clinics would repulse me. But sex is advertised everywhere around me. Our society (advertising, the web, malls, TV shows) is well past the point of maintaining decorum and high moral standards everywhere else. So I’m sorry if I fail to get steamed about advertising on TV.
Getting back on track with regards to morals and sexuality will be a long hard road. I believe the UK has hit rock bottom. In that sense, this advertising debate is almost irrelevant.