It’s Easter and Passover and so in lieu of trolling the news for interesting abortion-related items, I offer instead the opportunity to give to good causes. Seems fitting.
We have options: First Place Pregnancy Centre (Ottawa), Options 360 (Washington State), and Aid to Women (Toronto). Finally, you can always buy a T-shirt from ProWomanProLife.
First Place Pregnancy Centre–good people, and they offer choices to women in the true sense of the word, not the distorted one. A great crisis pregnancy centre in Ottawa, not too far from where I live and work. They offer real options to women. They aren’t a centre that just gives a bag of diapers and a pat on the back—they see women through the whole process of having a child that she wasn’t prepared to have. Counselling in these circumstances and offering full and total information before birth or abortion is something not a single pro-choice agency will do—and counseling through the baby’s birth and into the future is Expensive with a Cap E. Please give if you can.
If you live on the west coast, consider Options 360 in Washington State. Located next door to Planned Parenthood, Sarah Doll who works there say they can hear the suction machine–that’s the sound of lives being lost. How do I know about Options 360 you ask? Because Sarah Doll is the wife of Cyril Doll, and I used to work at The Western Standard with Cyril. Were it not for Cyril, there might not be a ProWomanProLife. He took a leave from work and planned a walk across Canada to fight abortion. I was very inspired by that. I know that there are others doing good pro-life work in this country. But to be honest, I never really took special note because they had always been doing it–and it became part of the pro-life landscape. Cyril up and left a regular job to follow his heart–which apparently involved walking across one of the world’s largest countries in support of life. Inspiring. So support his wife’s group if you can.
Finally, Aid to Women is having a fundraiser on April 18th. Aid to Women is also right next door to an abortion clinic in Toronto and is run by the indefatigable Nicole Lau. A spunkier young woman you will not find. There will be music at her event and I believe the Archbishop is speaking, if I’m not mistaken. She asks you to call her for tickets if you are interested at 416-921-6016. The theme is “Hope Springs Eternal.”
And hope does indeed spring eternal. Happy Easter season to all.