I wasn’t expecting a part III to this sordid story but here it is. Instead of hanging her head in shame, “abortion as art” student Aliza Shvarts is now adament that Yale, in damage control mode, has misrepresented her and her project. Yesterday I commented that those busting the story were not able to prove that she had not done this, only that it could not logically have succeeded. Shvarts is herself now saying this is precisely the case.
But Shvarts reiterated Thursday that she repeatedly use a needleless syringe to insert semen into herself. At the end of her menstrual cycle, she took abortifacient herbs to induce bleeding, she said. She said she does not know whether or not she was ever pregnant.
One more thing: It’s far too easy to say she’s mentally disturbed. She got into Yale University, for the love of the saints. No–she is a product of her pro-choice culture and ultimately, saw nothing wrong with what she was doing. And neither did her professor, and neither did her friends.
Lookee here, Andrea adds: Think the project is disgusting? You ought then to consider whether you are not actually, secretly pro-life. Because your fellow pro-choicers have this to say:
The Yale Women’s Center stands strongly behind the fact that a woman’s body is her own. Whether it is a question of reproductive rights or of artistic expression, Aliza Shvarts’ body is an instrument over which she should be free to exercise full discretion.
Tanya adds: Am I ever glad The Yale Women’s Center is acting like a bunch of zealots. This may succeed in alienating other so-called pro-choice women on (and off) campus and force them to re-analyze their stance on the issue of abortion. (That’s my optimism talking.)
Brigitte is about ready to give up: The student speaks. She shouldn’t have.