The Quebec Federation of Medical Specialists, an 8,000-member federation presided over by Gaétan Barrette, has “denounced Bill C-484” as a sneaky scheme to criminalize abortion.
Barrette described Bill C-484… as “clearly a manoeuvre to go in the direction of recriminalizing abortion… [He] expressed concern that were the bill to become law, anti-abortion groups would quickly take advantage of it to take a case to the Supreme Court to make abortion illegal again.
When one man stands up and speaks in the name of 8,000 physicians, he better at least understand the bill. It seems instead that he’s read the Joyce Arthur tutorial on the issue.
Barrette conceded that some medical specialists are against abortion, but it’s the federation that has taken a position – not individual doctors.
Yes, some physicians do oppose abortion. It should also be noted that some people, who are not strictly pro-life (and likely some of them physicians), do support the bill.
Either that, or 66% of Canadians are actually pro-life, according to the Angus Reid Poll. What a pleasant fiction.